Big tech could emerge from the COVID-19 crisis stronger than ever

7 good things came out of the virus for the tech industry

Tara Jayasekara
4 min readMar 25, 2021
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Even the Worst Crisis Creates Opportunities

While the rest of the economy is tanking from the crippling impact of coronavirus, business at the biggest technology companies is holding steady — even thriving. With people told to work from home and stay away from others, the pandemic has deepened reliance on services from the technology industry’s most prominent companies while accelerating trends that were already benefiting them.

Increase in demand for cloud computing platforms

For companies managing their internet infrastructures, making adjustments to computing needs on the fly is expensive and complicated. Cloud computing makes it easier. Companies were already dumping their own data centers to rent computing from Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. That shift is likely to speed up as millions of employees are forced to work from home, putting a strain on corporate technology infrastructures.

Increasing usage of remote and collaboration tools

Microsoft has aggressively pushed its new business messaging and collaboration tool, Microsoft Teams, which competes with the independent company Slack. Last week, Microsoft…



Tara Jayasekara

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